IPS Conference 2022 Programme
Programme: Day 1
17 October, 2022
09.00 – 9.15Welcome to the Conference - Main AuditoriumProfessor Jennie Wilson IPS President
Session 1a 09.15 – 09.50EM Cottrell Lecture - Main Auditorium - Chair Jennie WilsonDavid Green RN, MPH, PG Cert Health Research, BSc (Hons) Nursing
Session 2a 09.55 – 10.30PPE the next generation – sustainable with a focus on health & care staff - Main Auditorium - Chair Jennie WilsonPaul Chivers Head of PPE Reuse, Innovation and Sustainability Team
Session 2b 09.55 – 10.30Using cost-effectiveness to determine the value of a portable isolation room - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Karen Wares - Sponsored by GAMABrett Mitchell Professor of Nursing at Avondale University, adjunct Professor at Monash University and Central Coast Local Health District
COFFEE BREAK Industry Educational Sessions 10.35 – 10.55The Purewick experience at SASH (Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust)Rebecca Geeson Practice Development Nurse for Infection Control and Tissue Viability
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor Rada 10.55 – 11.15Fighting infection, saving resources: how innovation in water delivery can contribute to safer, greener healthcare
Session 3c 11.05 – 11.50What should IPC worforce look like - DOIPS Study - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Toney ThomasJude Robinson Infection Prevention and Control Senior Manager- NHS England- Midlands
Session 3a 11.15 – 11.50Mis Information and Fake News - Main Auditorium - Chair Linda DickeyAlexandra Peters Scientific Lead for Clean Hospitals
Session 3b 11.15 – 11.50Lessons from a decade of managing C. difficile - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Catherine BoswellProfessor Fidelma Fitzpatrick Professor and Head of Department of Clinical Microbiology, RCSI and Consultant Microbiologist, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor SPC 11.20 – 11.50How to gain access to Infection Prevention - Solent Hall
Session 4a 11.55 – 12.30Are we talking the same language? The importance of choosing our words carefully when communicating HCAI and AMR - Main Auditorium - Chair Linda DickeyDr Jon Otter Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Session 4b 11.55 – 12.30Antimicrobial Stewardship- a field ripe for nursing leadership - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Catherine BoswellEnrique Castro-Sanchez Associate Professor in Infection Prevention and Improvement at University of West London, honorary lecturer at Imperial College London, and associated lecturer in Planetary Health at UOC (Spain).
Session 4c 11.55 – 12.30SIREN study - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Toney ThomasVictoria Hall Consultant Epidemiologist and Consultant in Public Health at UK Health Security Agency
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor BD 12.40 – 13.20A Holistic Approach to reducing Hospital Acquired InfectionsLilian Chiwera SSI Surveillance & Prevention Consultant
LUNCH BREAK Industry Educational Session 12.50 – 13.20Hand hygiene 100% really?! Be the change! Sponsored by Tork (Essity) - Exhibition HallCarole Hallam MSc (Infection Control), BSc (Honours), RN Independent Nurse Consultant
Session 5a Poster Talks In Exhibition Area 13.30 – 14.05QI, New research and Innovation - Chair Jon Otter - Solent Hall StageDidier Pittet Director, Infection Control Programme, The University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, WHO collaborating centre on IPC and AMR
Session 5b Windsor Hall Stage 13.30 – 14.05Residence motivation leadership, IPC out of hospital and behavioural change - Chair Jennie Wilson - Windsor Hall Stage
Session 6a 14.10 – 14.54The critical issue of climate change and what we can do in relation to IPC to limit greenhouse gas emissions - Main Auditorium - Chair Martin KiernanHugh Montgomery Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University College London
Session 6c/7c 14.10 – 15.25Workshop: Title: The first worldwide survey in healthcare environmental hygiene: sharing best practices - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Karen WaresAlexandra Peters, Didier Pittet
Session 6d 14.10 – 14.45Title: to be announced soon (microbiology) - Room 3 Bayview - Microbiology
Session 7a 14.50 – 15.25Rebuilding hospitals – lessons from the pandemic - Chair Martin Kiernan - Main AuditoriumNigel Edwards Chief Executive of the Nuffield Trust
Session 7d 14.50 – 15.25How to undertake a quality improvement project - Room 3 Bayview - Chair Nick HughesAngie McClaren Program manager, Transformation Team University Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS)
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor DGH 15.35 – 16.05How clean is clean - Solent HallNigel Silman
Session 8a 16.15 – 16.50Nosocomial COVID-19; How do we live with the virus in hospitals - Main Auditorium - Chair Lynne RodriguezDale Fisher Senior Consultant in Infectious Diseases, National University of Singapore Professor of Medicine, National University of Singapore
Session 8c 16.15 – 16.50Making your hospital cleaner: a vision, a dream or just a daily nightmare - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Maura SmiddyPierre Parneix Head of the Nouvelle Aquitaine healthcare-associated infection control center
Session 8d 16.15 – 16.50Variety is the Spice of IPC - Room 3 Bayview - Chair - Nick Hughes
Session 9a 16.55 – 17.15IPS Annual General Meeting - Main Auditorium
Education Session 9.30 – 10.00How to get a product into a trust/practical sustainability in the supply chain - Simon Clarke and Jacqui Scroggs - Solent HallSimon Clarke Simon Clarke, University Hospital Birmingham Head of Procurement, Managing Director BSOL Procurement Collaborative and Procurement Lead for Birmingham and Solihull ICS
Programme: Day 2
18 October, 2022
Session 10a 08.45 – 09:20From clean hands to Clean Hospitals: a worldwide vision - Main Auditorium - Chair Mark GarveyDidier Pittet Director, Infection Control Programme, The University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, WHO collaborating centre on IPC and AMR
Session 11a 09.25 – 10.00T Bradley Lecture - Main Auditorium - Chair Mark GarveyProfessor Jean-Yves Maillard Professor of Pharmaceutical Microbiology at the Cardiff School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor Essity 10.15 – 10.35How hygiene and sustainability go hand in hand in healthcare - Solent HallJo Pybus Sustainability & Public Affairs Manager, UK & Ireland - Tork (Essity)
Session 12a 10.45 – 11.20Safe Water in Healthcare – why has it all gone wrong… - Main Auditorium - Chair Pat CattiniJimmy Walker Director, Walker on Water
Session 12b 10.45 – 11.20Animate to Innovate! Using animation to deliver key infection prevention and control messaging - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Elaine RossSofie French Principal Educator, Antimicrobial Resistance & Healthcare Associated Infection (ARHAI) NHS Education for Scotland
Session 12c 10.45 – 11.20Vascular access: evidence, reflections, ownership and empowerment - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Amanda MiskellCarole Hallam MSc (Infection Control), BSc (Honours), RN Independent Nurse Consultant
Session 13a 11.25 – 12.00The risk of infection, including COVID-19 from prior room occupants - Main Auditorium - Chair Pat CattiniBrett Mitchell Professor of Nursing at Avondale University, adjunct Professor at Monash University and Central Coast Local Health District
Session 13b 11.25 – 12.00Robotic Process Automation, an Infection Prevention & Control Nurses’ best ally for surveillance. - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Elaine RossJincy Jerry Assistant Director of Nursing, Infection Prevention & Control
Session 13c 11.25 – 12.00Urine output monitoring and patient safety: The catheter paradox - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Amanda MiskellCamilla Holmes Infection Prevention Nurse University Hospital Southampton
Grab and Go lunch ready for the IPS Show 12.05 – 12.20Grab and go lunch - Exhibition Hall
IPS Show 12.25 – 13.50Michael Neville introducing Dr Phil Hammond - Exhibition Hall - The return of 'A Pitch in Five' with live voting on the conference AppPhil Hammond NHS doctor, journalist, broadcaster, speaker, campaigner and comedian.
Session 14a 14.00 – 14.35Oral Papers - An evaluation of experience and COVID-19 cases after increasing visitors to an acute hospital - Main Auditorium - Chair Jon OtterAmy Boden Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Session 14b 14.00 – 14.35Oral Papers - Dual to the death; interaction of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus licheniformis in dry surface biofilm - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Heather LovedayIsabella Centeleghe Cardiff University
Session 14c 14.00 – 14.35Oral Papers - InciSSIon- A collaborative initiative to reduce incidence of surgical site infection (SSI) following Caesarean section - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Kristie PopkissKerry Holden Deputy Director of IP&C Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS foundation Trust
Session 15a 14.00 – 14.15Oral Papers - Healthcare workers perceptions and experiences of the application of hand hygiene and audit in practice - Main Auditorium - Chair Jon OtterCarolynn Greene University Of West London
Session 15b 14.00 – 14.15Oral Papers - A New Vision; Reducing Risk in the healthcare built environment - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Heather LovedayHayley Kane NHS National Services Scotland
Session 15c 14.00 – 14.15Oral Papers - The carbon footprint of Bubble-PAPR: a novel item of personal protective equipment - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair - Kristie PopkissBrendan Mcgrath Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Session 14a 14.15 – 14.30Oral Papers - IV passports: an improvement collaborative to aid communication and to optimise patient experience and outcomes. - Main Auditorium - Chair Jon OtterCarole Hallam MSc (Infection Control), BSc (Honours), RN Independent Nurse Consultant
Session 14b 14.15 – 14.30Oral Papers - Fit Testing: The age old question of Qualitative Vs Quantitative - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Heather LovedaySarah-louise Round University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Session 14c 14.15 – 14.35Oral papers - Innovation in post-discharge surveillance (PDS): a multi-centre collaborative using Isla Care - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Kristi PopkissMelissa Rochon RBHH/GSTT
Session 15a 14.15 – 14.30Oral Papers - Evaluating the dynamics of hospital COVID-19 contacts and subsequent conversion SARS-CoV-2 infection - Main AuditoriumDr Jon Otter Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Session 15b 14.15 – 14.30Oral Papers - Variable Decontamination Efficacy of Domestic Washing Machines: Potential Risks for Home Laundering of Healthcare Uniforms - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Heather LovedayKatie Silver De Montfort University
Session 15c 14.15 – 14.30Oral Papers - Greener PPE - how we reduced and reused PPE successfully - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Kristie PopkissHolly Slyne Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor Tristel 15.25 – 15.45Less is More: Daily Cleaning with Sporicidal Products, the most cost-effective single infection control strategy. - Solent HallJincy Jerry Assistant Director of Nursing, Infection Prevention & Control
Session 16a Poster Talks In Designated Poster Viewing Area 16.05 – 16.40Global approaches, sustainability and new and emerging infections - Solent HallBrett Mitchell Professor of Nursing at Avondale University, adjunct Professor at Monash University and Central Coast Local Health District
Session 16b Poster Talks In Exhibition Area 16.05 – 16.40Standard precautions, AMR and decontamination - Poster Talks In Exhibition Area - Windsor Hall Stage - Chair Mark Garvey
Session 17a 16.45 – 17.55Debate - IPC is the enemy of sustainably - Main Auditorium - Moderator-Tracy Cooper, Speakers; FOR the motion - Rose Gallagher, AGAINST the motion Jon Otter
Programme: Day 3
19 October, 2022
Session 18a 09.00 – 09.35Ayliffe Lecture - Main Auditorium - Chair Jennie WilsonSir Jonathan Van-Tam Professor of Health Protection at the University of Nottingham.
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor SPC 09.30 – 10.00Implementing the National Cleaning Standards in primary care - Solent HallEmma Brookes
Session 19a 09.40 – 10.15Infection prevention by design - Main Auditorium - Chair Jennie WilsonHugo Sax Senior Researcher at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Bern University Hospital and the University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Chief Medical Boarder Officer at Zurich Airport, and founder and owner of sax.health.design Inc
Session 19b 09.40 – 10.15'STOP UTI' How realist methods bridge the gap between guideline recommendations and their real world implementation - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Deborah XuerebJacqui Prieto Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Session 19c 09.40 – 10.15PPE: Environmental harms and forced labour in its manufacture - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Jude RobinsonMahmood Bhutta Chair in ENT Surgery at Brighton and Sussex Medical School Honorary Consultant and Green Lead for University Hospitals Sussex
Session 19d 09.40 – 10.15Integrated care - Room 3 Bayview - Chair Michael NevillDame Gill Morgan Independent Chair of Gloucestershire Integrated Care System
Exhibition Viewing 10.20 – 11.05Poster viewing and refreshments - Exhibition Hall
Session 20a 11.10 – 11.45Smart engineering solutions can mitigate airborne transmission risks; where’s the evidence? - Main Auditorium - Chair Katie JefferyProfessor Tony Fisher Consultant Clinical Scientist in the NHS and a Professor of Physics at the University of Liverpool
Session 20c 11.10 – 11.45Is lack of exposure to germs during COVID-19 weakening our immune systems? - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Jude RobinsonProfessor Sally Bloomfield Chairman of the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene
Session 20b/21b 11.10 – 12.25Preventing and recognising urinary tract infection (UTI) in older people living in care homes: what works and what does it take? - Room 3 Bayview - Chair Beverly GregoryJacqui Prieto Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor SPC 11.20 – 11.50Educational Session: Decontamination roundup - Solent HallJimmy Walker Director, Walker on Water
Session 21a 11.50 – 12.25This is what Hotels do better than Hospitals (spoiler: not the food!) - Main Auditorium - Chair Katie JefferyPhil Russo Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University, Victoria, Australia and Director of Nursing Research, Cabrini Health
Session 21c 11.50 – 12.25Surgical Site Infections in Oxford Neurosurgery - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Jude RobinsonJane Haliday Consultant Neurosurgeon, sub-specializing in skull base and pituitary - John Radcliffe Hospital
Session 22c 12.30 – 13.05Managing Patients with COVID-19 in Mental Health settings: Specialist, Ethical and Infection Control Considerations - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Pixy StrazdsPenny Criddle Senior Infection Prevention and Control Nurse, Devon Partnership Trust & Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Session 22d 12.30 – 13.05Infection prevention a new era for care home practice - Room 3 Bayview - Chair Beverley GregoryJames Oram Senior Lecturer Infection Prevention & Control at Swansea University
Session 22a 12.30 – 13.05Practical Sustainability in the NHS Supply Chain - Main Auditorium - Chair Katie JefferyAndrew New SCCL Chief Executive Officer
Session 23a 14.10 – 14.4550 Shades of IPC - Main Auditorium - Chair Lisa ButcherElaine Cloutman-Green Consultant Clinical Scientist, Infection Prevention and Control and Lead Healthcare Scientist at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH)
Session 24a 14.50 – 15.25Leadership in the context of recovery, developing a bright future for infection prevention and control. - Main Auditorium - Chair Lisa ButcherSteve Hams
Programme: Day 1
17 October, 2022
09.00 – 9.15 Welcome to the Conference - Main AuditoriumProfessor Jennie Wilson IPS President
Session 1a 09.15 – 09.50 EM Cottrell Lecture - Main Auditorium - Chair Jennie WilsonDavid Green RN, MPH, PG Cert Health Research, BSc (Hons) Nursing
Session 2a 09.55 – 10.30 PPE the next generation – sustainable with a focus on health & care staff - Main Auditorium - Chair Jennie WilsonPaul Chivers Head of PPE Reuse, Innovation and Sustainability Team
Session 2b 09.55 – 10.30 Using cost-effectiveness to determine the value of a portable isolation room - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Karen Wares - Sponsored by GAMABrett Mitchell Professor of Nursing at Avondale University, adjunct Professor at Monash University and Central Coast Local Health District
COFFEE BREAK Industry Educational Sessions 10.35 – 10.55 The Purewick experience at SASH (Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust)Rebecca Geeson Practice Development Nurse for Infection Control and Tissue Viability
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor Rada 10.55 – 11.15 Fighting infection, saving resources: how innovation in water delivery can contribute to safer, greener healthcare
Session 3c 11.05 – 11.50 What should IPC worforce look like - DOIPS Study - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Toney ThomasJude Robinson Infection Prevention and Control Senior Manager- NHS England- Midlands
Session 3a 11.15 – 11.50 Mis Information and Fake News - Main Auditorium - Chair Linda DickeyAlexandra Peters Scientific Lead for Clean Hospitals
Session 3b 11.15 – 11.50 Lessons from a decade of managing C. difficile - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Catherine BoswellProfessor Fidelma Fitzpatrick Professor and Head of Department of Clinical Microbiology, RCSI and Consultant Microbiologist, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor SPC 11.20 – 11.50 How to gain access to Infection Prevention - Solent Hall
Session 4a 11.55 – 12.30 Are we talking the same language? The importance of choosing our words carefully when communicating HCAI and AMR - Main Auditorium - Chair Linda DickeyDr Jon Otter Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Session 4b 11.55 – 12.30 Antimicrobial Stewardship- a field ripe for nursing leadership - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Catherine BoswellEnrique Castro-Sanchez Associate Professor in Infection Prevention and Improvement at University of West London, honorary lecturer at Imperial College London, and associated lecturer in Planetary Health at UOC (Spain).
Session 4c 11.55 – 12.30 SIREN study - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Toney ThomasVictoria Hall Consultant Epidemiologist and Consultant in Public Health at UK Health Security Agency
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor BD 12.40 – 13.20 A Holistic Approach to reducing Hospital Acquired InfectionsLilian Chiwera SSI Surveillance & Prevention Consultant
LUNCH BREAK Industry Educational Session 12.50 – 13.20 Hand hygiene 100% really?! Be the change! Sponsored by Tork (Essity) - Exhibition HallCarole Hallam MSc (Infection Control), BSc (Honours), RN Independent Nurse Consultant
Session 5a Poster Talks In Exhibition Area 13.30 – 14.05 QI, New research and Innovation - Chair Jon Otter - Solent Hall StageDidier Pittet Director, Infection Control Programme, The University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, WHO collaborating centre on IPC and AMR
Session 5b Windsor Hall Stage 13.30 – 14.05 Residence motivation leadership, IPC out of hospital and behavioural change - Chair Jennie Wilson - Windsor Hall Stage
Session 6a 14.10 – 14.54 The critical issue of climate change and what we can do in relation to IPC to limit greenhouse gas emissions - Main Auditorium - Chair Martin KiernanHugh Montgomery Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University College London
Session 6c/7c 14.10 – 15.25 Workshop: Title: The first worldwide survey in healthcare environmental hygiene: sharing best practices - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Karen WaresAlexandra Peters, Didier Pittet
Session 6d 14.10 – 14.45 Title: to be announced soon (microbiology) - Room 3 Bayview - Microbiology
Session 7a 14.50 – 15.25 Rebuilding hospitals – lessons from the pandemic - Chair Martin Kiernan - Main AuditoriumNigel Edwards Chief Executive of the Nuffield Trust
Session 7d 14.50 – 15.25 How to undertake a quality improvement project - Room 3 Bayview - Chair Nick HughesAngie McClaren Program manager, Transformation Team University Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS)
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor DGH 15.35 – 16.05 How clean is clean - Solent HallNigel Silman
Session 8a 16.15 – 16.50 Nosocomial COVID-19; How do we live with the virus in hospitals - Main Auditorium - Chair Lynne RodriguezDale Fisher Senior Consultant in Infectious Diseases, National University of Singapore Professor of Medicine, National University of Singapore
Session 8c 16.15 – 16.50 Making your hospital cleaner: a vision, a dream or just a daily nightmare - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Maura SmiddyPierre Parneix Head of the Nouvelle Aquitaine healthcare-associated infection control center
Session 8d 16.15 – 16.50 Variety is the Spice of IPC - Room 3 Bayview - Chair - Nick Hughes
Session 9a 16.55 – 17.15 IPS Annual General Meeting - Main Auditorium
Education Session 9.30 – 10.00 How to get a product into a trust/practical sustainability in the supply chain - Simon Clarke and Jacqui Scroggs - Solent HallSimon Clarke Simon Clarke, University Hospital Birmingham Head of Procurement, Managing Director BSOL Procurement Collaborative and Procurement Lead for Birmingham and Solihull ICS
Programme: Day 2
18 October, 2022
Session 10a 08.45 – 09:20 From clean hands to Clean Hospitals: a worldwide vision - Main Auditorium - Chair Mark GarveyDidier Pittet Director, Infection Control Programme, The University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, WHO collaborating centre on IPC and AMR
Session 11a 09.25 – 10.00 T Bradley Lecture - Main Auditorium - Chair Mark GarveyProfessor Jean-Yves Maillard Professor of Pharmaceutical Microbiology at the Cardiff School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor Essity 10.15 – 10.35 How hygiene and sustainability go hand in hand in healthcare - Solent HallJo Pybus Sustainability & Public Affairs Manager, UK & Ireland - Tork (Essity)
Session 12a 10.45 – 11.20 Safe Water in Healthcare – why has it all gone wrong… - Main Auditorium - Chair Pat CattiniJimmy Walker Director, Walker on Water
Session 12b 10.45 – 11.20 Animate to Innovate! Using animation to deliver key infection prevention and control messaging - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Elaine RossSofie French Principal Educator, Antimicrobial Resistance & Healthcare Associated Infection (ARHAI) NHS Education for Scotland
Session 12c 10.45 – 11.20 Vascular access: evidence, reflections, ownership and empowerment - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Amanda MiskellCarole Hallam MSc (Infection Control), BSc (Honours), RN Independent Nurse Consultant
Session 13a 11.25 – 12.00 The risk of infection, including COVID-19 from prior room occupants - Main Auditorium - Chair Pat CattiniBrett Mitchell Professor of Nursing at Avondale University, adjunct Professor at Monash University and Central Coast Local Health District
Session 13b 11.25 – 12.00 Robotic Process Automation, an Infection Prevention & Control Nurses’ best ally for surveillance. - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Elaine RossJincy Jerry Assistant Director of Nursing, Infection Prevention & Control
Session 13c 11.25 – 12.00 Urine output monitoring and patient safety: The catheter paradox - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Amanda MiskellCamilla Holmes Infection Prevention Nurse University Hospital Southampton
Grab and Go lunch ready for the IPS Show 12.05 – 12.20 Grab and go lunch - Exhibition Hall
IPS Show 12.25 – 13.50 Michael Neville introducing Dr Phil Hammond - Exhibition Hall - The return of 'A Pitch in Five' with live voting on the conference AppPhil Hammond NHS doctor, journalist, broadcaster, speaker, campaigner and comedian.
Session 14a 14.00 – 14.35 Oral Papers - An evaluation of experience and COVID-19 cases after increasing visitors to an acute hospital - Main Auditorium - Chair Jon OtterAmy Boden Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Session 14b 14.00 – 14.35 Oral Papers - Dual to the death; interaction of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus licheniformis in dry surface biofilm - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Heather LovedayIsabella Centeleghe Cardiff University
Session 14c 14.00 – 14.35 Oral Papers - InciSSIon- A collaborative initiative to reduce incidence of surgical site infection (SSI) following Caesarean section - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Kristie PopkissKerry Holden Deputy Director of IP&C Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS foundation Trust
Session 15a 14.00 – 14.15 Oral Papers - Healthcare workers perceptions and experiences of the application of hand hygiene and audit in practice - Main Auditorium - Chair Jon OtterCarolynn Greene University Of West London
Session 15b 14.00 – 14.15 Oral Papers - A New Vision; Reducing Risk in the healthcare built environment - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Heather LovedayHayley Kane NHS National Services Scotland
Session 15c 14.00 – 14.15 Oral Papers - The carbon footprint of Bubble-PAPR: a novel item of personal protective equipment - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair - Kristie PopkissBrendan Mcgrath Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Session 14a 14.15 – 14.30 Oral Papers - IV passports: an improvement collaborative to aid communication and to optimise patient experience and outcomes. - Main Auditorium - Chair Jon OtterCarole Hallam MSc (Infection Control), BSc (Honours), RN Independent Nurse Consultant
Session 14b 14.15 – 14.30 Oral Papers - Fit Testing: The age old question of Qualitative Vs Quantitative - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Heather LovedaySarah-louise Round University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Session 14c 14.15 – 14.35 Oral papers - Innovation in post-discharge surveillance (PDS): a multi-centre collaborative using Isla Care - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Kristi PopkissMelissa Rochon RBHH/GSTT
Session 15a 14.15 – 14.30 Oral Papers - Evaluating the dynamics of hospital COVID-19 contacts and subsequent conversion SARS-CoV-2 infection - Main AuditoriumDr Jon Otter Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Session 15b 14.15 – 14.30 Oral Papers - Variable Decontamination Efficacy of Domestic Washing Machines: Potential Risks for Home Laundering of Healthcare Uniforms - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Heather LovedayKatie Silver De Montfort University
Session 15c 14.15 – 14.30 Oral Papers - Greener PPE - how we reduced and reused PPE successfully - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Kristie PopkissHolly Slyne Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor Tristel 15.25 – 15.45 Less is More: Daily Cleaning with Sporicidal Products, the most cost-effective single infection control strategy. - Solent HallJincy Jerry Assistant Director of Nursing, Infection Prevention & Control
Session 16a Poster Talks In Designated Poster Viewing Area 16.05 – 16.40 Global approaches, sustainability and new and emerging infections - Solent HallBrett Mitchell Professor of Nursing at Avondale University, adjunct Professor at Monash University and Central Coast Local Health District
Session 16b Poster Talks In Exhibition Area 16.05 – 16.40 Standard precautions, AMR and decontamination - Poster Talks In Exhibition Area - Windsor Hall Stage - Chair Mark Garvey
Session 17a 16.45 – 17.55 Debate - IPC is the enemy of sustainably - Main Auditorium - Moderator-Tracy Cooper, Speakers; FOR the motion - Rose Gallagher, AGAINST the motion Jon Otter
Programme: Day 3
19 October, 2022
Session 18a 09.00 – 09.35 Ayliffe Lecture - Main Auditorium - Chair Jennie WilsonSir Jonathan Van-Tam Professor of Health Protection at the University of Nottingham.
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor SPC 09.30 – 10.00 Implementing the National Cleaning Standards in primary care - Solent HallEmma Brookes
Session 19a 09.40 – 10.15 Infection prevention by design - Main Auditorium - Chair Jennie WilsonHugo Sax Senior Researcher at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Bern University Hospital and the University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Chief Medical Boarder Officer at Zurich Airport, and founder and owner of sax.health.design Inc
Session 19b 09.40 – 10.15 'STOP UTI' How realist methods bridge the gap between guideline recommendations and their real world implementation - Room 1 Purbeck Lounge - Chair Deborah XuerebJacqui Prieto Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Session 19c 09.40 – 10.15 PPE: Environmental harms and forced labour in its manufacture - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Jude RobinsonMahmood Bhutta Chair in ENT Surgery at Brighton and Sussex Medical School Honorary Consultant and Green Lead for University Hospitals Sussex
Session 19d 09.40 – 10.15 Integrated care - Room 3 Bayview - Chair Michael NevillDame Gill Morgan Independent Chair of Gloucestershire Integrated Care System
Exhibition Viewing 10.20 – 11.05 Poster viewing and refreshments - Exhibition Hall
Session 20a 11.10 – 11.45 Smart engineering solutions can mitigate airborne transmission risks; where’s the evidence? - Main Auditorium - Chair Katie JefferyProfessor Tony Fisher Consultant Clinical Scientist in the NHS and a Professor of Physics at the University of Liverpool
Session 20c 11.10 – 11.45 Is lack of exposure to germs during COVID-19 weakening our immune systems? - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Jude RobinsonProfessor Sally Bloomfield Chairman of the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene
Session 20b/21b 11.10 – 12.25 Preventing and recognising urinary tract infection (UTI) in older people living in care homes: what works and what does it take? - Room 3 Bayview - Chair Beverly GregoryJacqui Prieto Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Exhibition/Industry Session - Sponsor SPC 11.20 – 11.50 Educational Session: Decontamination roundup - Solent HallJimmy Walker Director, Walker on Water
Session 21a 11.50 – 12.25 This is what Hotels do better than Hospitals (spoiler: not the food!) - Main Auditorium - Chair Katie JefferyPhil Russo Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University, Victoria, Australia and Director of Nursing Research, Cabrini Health
Session 21c 11.50 – 12.25 Surgical Site Infections in Oxford Neurosurgery - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Jude RobinsonJane Haliday Consultant Neurosurgeon, sub-specializing in skull base and pituitary - John Radcliffe Hospital
Session 22c 12.30 – 13.05 Managing Patients with COVID-19 in Mental Health settings: Specialist, Ethical and Infection Control Considerations - Room 2 Bourne Lounge - Chair Pixy StrazdsPenny Criddle Senior Infection Prevention and Control Nurse, Devon Partnership Trust & Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Session 22d 12.30 – 13.05 Infection prevention a new era for care home practice - Room 3 Bayview - Chair Beverley GregoryJames Oram Senior Lecturer Infection Prevention & Control at Swansea University
Session 22a 12.30 – 13.05 Practical Sustainability in the NHS Supply Chain - Main Auditorium - Chair Katie JefferyAndrew New SCCL Chief Executive Officer
Session 23a 14.10 – 14.45 50 Shades of IPC - Main Auditorium - Chair Lisa ButcherElaine Cloutman-Green Consultant Clinical Scientist, Infection Prevention and Control and Lead Healthcare Scientist at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH)
Session 24a 14.50 – 15.25 Leadership in the context of recovery, developing a bright future for infection prevention and control. - Main Auditorium - Chair Lisa ButcherSteve Hams