IPS Speaker - Enrique Castro-Sánchez

Enrique Castro-Sánchez

Associate Professor in Infection Prevention and Improvement at University of West London, honorary lecturer at Imperial College London, and associated lecturer in Planetary Health at UOC (Spain).

He is interested in innovations on behaviour change, technology, and policy to improve infection prevention and antimicrobial use.

He has held several clinical posts focused on infectious and tropical diseases, IPC, and antimicrobial stewardship. He completed is MPH and DTN at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and received a PhD by the University of Alicante (Spain).

Enrique has served as Consultant at the Global IPC Unit at WHO, he is associate editor of BMC Public Health, BMC Health Services Research, PLOS ONE and JAC-AMR journals, and was designated Emerging Leader in International Infectious Diseases by the ISID.