IPS Speaker Julie Storr

Julie Storr

Independent consultant, global health & director, KSHC



Julie is an MBA graduate and graduate nurse from the University of Manchester, where she also trained as a Health Visitor. Julie is a global health consultant, co-founder and director at S3 Global. She has worked internationally for the last sixteen years, predominantly as an expert with WHO on the development, implementation and evaluation of global improvement programmes in the field of patient safety, quality and infection prevention and control (IPC), with a focus on behaviour change and IPC. She is currently supporting WHO’s Water Sanitation and Health (WASH) in health care, IPC and Quality Teams. Her technical and leadership expertise was called on to support WHO’s Ebola response and recovery efforts in 2014/15, with a focus on national policy development in Sierra Leone. She led on the development of evidence-based WHO IPC Guidelines and implementation support packages.

Julie was previously President of the Infection Prevention Society of the UK and Ireland, Assistant Director at the English National Patient Safety Agency and Director of the award winning national cleanyourhands campaign. Julie has authored a book (Perspectives and Perceptions of IPC – highly commended at the 2016 BMA Medical Book Awards), published widely in the academic literature and is currently writing a follow up book with colleagues, focused on IPC and the social sciences. She is peer reviewer of a range of academic journals. Julie is an honorary advisor at THET, advisor at Peoples Uni and a steering group member of Health Information for All (HIFA). She was recently awarded a Masters in Health Science from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and is a trained clinical hypnotherapist.

@julesstorr @safesafersafest