IPS Speaker Martin Jones

Martin Jones

Head of Infection Prevention and Control, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust


Martin has been working in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for over 20 years within a variety of acute, community settings.

Martin has been very active within IPS, having been the community network co-ordinator for a double term and represented the society on a number of initiatives. He has been part of the IPC conference organising committee for many years, leading on the dental conference stream and supported care home streams.

He has published in IPC and decontamination and co-author/contributor to several DOH guidance documents.

Martin was the lead for the DOH/IPS dental audit tools to monitor compliance against IPC dental standards set out in HTM 0105 and represented IPS in development of several of the HTM 01 series including HTM 0105.

In collaboration with HIS he was co-author for the publication of guidance for decontamination of breast pump collection kits and related items at home and hospitals.

He received formal recognition at IPS conference Manchester 2017, receiving the IPS Brendan Moore award for his work with the society.

Martin has recently moved into mental health and specialist learning disabilities taking up role as head of IPC for Mersey Care NHS foundation trust.
