Professor Michael Borg
Head of the Department of Infection Control, Mater Dei Hospital, Malta
A clinical microbiologist by training, Prof. Michael Borg heads the Department of Infection Control at Mater Dei Hospital in Malta, where he chairs the country’s National Antibiotic Committee.
He is also a past chair of the International Federation of Infection Control (IFIC) and an advisor to the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC). He has been involved in several EU funded projects on the epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance, prevention and control of healthcare associated infections and antibiotic use, especially within the Mediterranean region.
Michael has authored or collaborated in more than 150 publications on these subjects and has been included in the Stanford University list of the top two per cent most cited scientists worldwide. His latest research interests focus on human behaviour and change management and their role in infection prevention and control as well as antibiotic stewardship.