Members Forum

BIO Bins

Hi has anyone introduced these in their hospitals yet? does anyone have any views or opinions, especially from an IPC perspective with the temporary closure on the 30ltr boxes. Happy to have some of your feed back feel free to email me on smarsh...

IPC in dentistry

Hi, are there any key documents for IPC specific to dentistry to be aware of? I've searched and only found the dental audit tool that's now hosted on NHS England site which hasn't been updated since 2013. I'm aware of the HTM 05-01 , again 2013. than...


Hi all, I see a thread on Facebook about Trusts adding a ban on the wearing of false eyelashes to their dress codes (including a mental health trust!).  Is this a thing? Are we seeing false eyelashes dropping off into people's open wounds/meals...

Discoloured water from dental carts

We have recently experienced discoloured water from dental cart waterlines upon pre-use daily checks. The water colour varies between grey to rusty coloured but is clearly contaminated. We have checked the reverse osmolarity (RO) units that the water...

Reusable theatre Hats

Hello All. I am currently working upon a project relating to reusable theatre hats and single use.I am interest to read about what you use within your Hospital

Any one got a copy of this please? Can't find it anywhere

Competencies for directors of infection prevention and controlDepartment of Health - 2004 - Department of Health London

IPC training package - tier 3

Hi,Are any teams working towards or have a tier 3 training package that is inline with the Education Training Framework. Thanks Lucy 

To mask or not

I am looking for the most current guidance regarding the use of masks by staff when caring for TB patients, can anyone please advise?  I have seen a number of policies that are contradictory. 

Clinical supervision in a local authority

Hello. Would anyone know how clinical supervision should work in a local authority where there is no chief nurse, but a director of public health who isn't clinical. The ICB aren't able to support.  Has anyone experienced this before? ...

Community diarrhoea / C.diff pathway/care plan

Hi, do any colleagues working in the community / non-acute settings have a care plan / pathway for diarrhoea / C.diff that they would be willing to share? Thanks