Members Forum

COVID pathways

How are MH trust members interpreting the pathways for their inpatient services?  Are you using this terminology in practice, and if so how do you "rate" patients who are test negative on admission and re-test, but are going out for regular leave and not always adhering to social distancing? Thank you


  1. Deborah Davies Sep 18, 2020 03:20 PM

    Hi Penny 
    We have worked with all our areas to review the guidance (the inpatient areas) and we came to the conclusion that most areas felt that they required  categorisation as a whole area in to a specific risk category and not by individual patients. Most of our units take direct admissions/ have patient who frequently decline testing and regular leave is taken. We are adopting the medium pathway for all except for our dedicated COVID-19 areas. Whilst I love the ethos and simplicity of the intended approach once again I feel it is very acute focused and designed to get services re-established (as it says on the tin!) It does not take into account the complexities of the services we are delivering and the challenging facilities we are delivering it in. We will continue to review and amend if necessary but most staff are currently feeling very anxious with the difficulties being faced with testing capacity                      

    1. Penny Criddle Sep 19, 2020 02:54 PM

      Thanks Deborah, that's helpful and reinforces the approach we've been taking.  Yes, it works better for acute settings, and we will continue with an approach as per medium risk.

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