Members Forum

Mask usage in non-clinical areas

I know that the mask guidance for hospitals is still in place, but I am wondering whether anyone has said that staff who are in non-clinical areas, sat at desks and socially distanced can remove their mask.  Given the changes in rules outside ho...

Pregnant staff working after 28 weeks

What approach are people taking to staff who are more than 28 weeks pregnant and clinical work.  Are you allowing them to continue to work if vaccinated or are they having to be non-patient facing.  Has there been updated guidance that I ha...

RCAs for covid positive patients

Seeing that we have been in the pandemic for over 2 years now and have been doing RCAs for a while. Lessons have been learnt and changes have been made where possible and some issues have been ongoing. Mostly in the NHS, the infrastructure have not c...

IPC Audit software

Hi, we're looking to change how we record, track, monitor IPC audits and just wondered if anyone was using software that they would recommend, thanks. 

Hydrochlorous acid from water vs accelerated hydrogen peroxide

Hello I work in a tertiary referral veterinary hospital (Royal Veterinary College). We deal with all the same issues as human hospitals (MDRO, MRSP (occasionally MRSA), rarely CPE cases, viral, clostridium infection (not difficile), mycobacteria...

Covid screening

Hi, could anybody share how often there hospital’s are swabbing inpatients for Covid I.e. days 1, 5, 7 etcMany thanksJulie Meir 

IPS Forum

Hi All, We would really like to get the Forum up and running. Would be great to see more questions and responses!

IPC Competency

Can anyone guide me on how to complete and upload the competency.  Should there be a form like the "revalidation " or just upload the current form with update. Thank you

Ophthalmology specific infection control precautions

hi, i am in the process of updating our IPC policy. We are a private eye surgery company. Can anyone help with any specifics please or even better if you have any specific guidance on ophthalmic patients / surgery. Please inbox me on Sharon.reynolds@...

National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness 2021

Hire national standards of health care cleanliness - has anyone working towards implementation?If yes, are  you using all the six catagories and the audit target scores?ThanksHelen