Members Forum

Immunisations and Vaccinations

Hi, I am writing an Imms & Vaccs plan for a borough council, I wonder if anyone has any examples of integrated plans they have worked with or ideas to take forward? Thanks.

IPC Courses

Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any good IPC Courses for new IPC Nurses. 

Gloves off campaign

We have launched our Gloves off campaign trust wide in February, but I am finding it challenging to get staff engaged in some Paediatric areas specialty Intensive Care and Neonates. Could anyone share their experiences in these areas and any resource...

Audits for Crisis Prevention Houses and other Bedded community settings

Hi all, does anyone use a specific audit tool for Crisis Prevention houses or any other bedded community settings? We have a mental health IPC annual audit tool but primarily for inpatient settings and would be helpful to benchmark with other MH trus...

Waste bins in shared bathrooms/en-suites

Does any trust use non foot operated waste bins. a number of patients have had falls in bathrooms attempting to use foot pedal to dispose of waste. just reaching out to ask.

Theatre Audits

Does anyone have a theatre audit template they'd be happy to share please? Including hand hygiene. 

hand hygiene in theatres

Does anyone here carry out hand hygiene audits within their theatre settings?  If so, how is this conducted/managed and actioned? 

Medical Silicone Pessary Fitting Kits Cleaning and Decontamination

I am a Women's HEalth phsiotherapist in the UK London. I am trying to establish and put together what seems to be a first for healthcare. So as Pelvic Health Physio's we help women with intimate issues such as vaginal organ prolapse. We can offer the...

Rhizotomy procedure

Could someone please advise whether there are any recommendations for the rhizotomy procedure? Any recommendations for procedure settings, ventilation, standards, etc.

Outpatient Hysteroscopy

Can anyone point me in the direction of the best available evidence for IPC in OPH please? Is it still a scrubbed-in/sterile procedure if performed outside of the theatre environment (thinking air change requirements etc)?