Members Forum

Staff should have access to information in relation to safe sharps practice

Training and Education - Provision of Information for StaffStaff should have access to information in relation to safe sharps practice. The information provided to staff will include:The risks from injuries involving medical sharpsRelevant legal duti...

Designated Care Homes & curtain cleaning

HiDoes anyone have any guidance on curtain cleaning in designated care homes?Obviously fabric is lower risk but the process of taking down & putting curtains back up is a risk in itself.So would be interested to see what others are doingThanks

FFP3 Masks COVID Confirmed & Suspected

Hi All,Has anyones trust upgraded from FRSM to FFP3 on COVID confirmed & suspected areas, if so what reasons have been cited? 

Hands, Face, Space!

I am locate the original reference source for the statement, Hands, Face, Space which is used by HM Government. I wonder if anyone can offer me any advice regarding my locating such. Paul Elliott.

IPC 08

Hi I am trying to get hold of a IPC document which has been issued recently and concerns the use of gaseous ozone as a room disinfectant following cleaning. I believe its IPC 08. Thanks Jackie

Ecomist - using hypochlorous acid and sodium hypochlorite mix

I have been informed that some NHS Acute and Ambulance Trusts are using this technology to help decontaminate the environment, grateful for any user insight on the product and its application in your setting.  Thank you Suzanne Morris

Annual IPC Audit Programmes

HelloI hope everyone is keeping well this is my first time posting on the IPS forum. I have 2 questions that I wanted other IPC colleagues thoughts on:1) With the demands of COVID-19 what are your trusts doing in place of infection prevention an...

Donning & Doffing -Mobile Endoscopy Units

Is anyone able to share any thoughts or advice when donning and doffing when space is really limited? I'm working with mobile endoscopy units at the moment to find a solution, whether its environmental layout or technology options or maybe something...

Care Home IPC Audit

HiI have recently been given been given the role of providing IPC advice & training to Care Homes & with outbreaks occurring am now doing IPC audits. As I have not had this within my remit before I am struggling to find the time to locate goo...

MSSA BSI Increase?

We have seen an increase in MSSA BSI since July 2020 - has anyone else seen similar please? Do email me direct if you would rather -  tracey.cooper27@nhs.netThanks