Join Us

The Infection Prevention Society, is one of the UK and Ireland’s foremost professional organisations with growing international membership.

The Infection Prevention Society is an independent charity with a 2,000 strong member network. Our vision is that no person is harmed by a preventable infection. We strive to fulfil our vision by informing, promoting and sustaining expert infection prevention policy and practice where care is delivered at local, national, and international level.

Keep your skills and knowledge up to date

Regulators of health and social care professionals, e.g. the NMC and GMC require that practitioners have the knowledge and skills for safe and effective practice when working without direct supervision and to recognise and work within the limits of competence.

It is therefore important to keep knowledge and skills up to date throughout your working life and taking part in appropriate learning and practice activities that maintain and develop competence and performance is supported by IPS.


IPS members will benefit from:

  • Being part of a strong network of infection prevention and control (IPC) practitioners across the UK and Eire
  • Sharing best practice advice for delivering more effective health, social care and patient safety.
  • Benchmarking activity and performance in your work setting both locally and across the UK, Ireland and internationally.
  • Contributing to national consultations on matters of major scientific and/or Governmental importance.
  • Receiving  regular electronic and social media communication regarding national and international IPC issues and IPS events.
  • Applying for educational and research and development grants and become involved in IPS projects.
  • Accessing high quality continuing professional development through the Journal of Infection Prevention, branch/Special Interest Group (SIG) study days and webinars/ teleclasses.
  • Receiving a discount on registration fees for the annual IPS conference.
  • Gaining valuable leadership experience as an active branch member or representative on National working groups;
  • Linking with our growing number of international members.

In addition, IPS Members get unlimited free access to the Webber Training's teleclasses. Teleclasses are live seminars where you can listen an participate over the telephone or via the internet.

Webber training are an international organisation dedicated to providing the best possible infection prevention and control information to the widest possible audiences. For a full schedule check out their website 


Career development

As well as the opportunity to be part of one of our many working groups IPS membership helps you keep up to date with evidence based practice through the many resources we develop and share. It also develops your personal competence and you can easily gain valuable Continuing Professional Development hours at study days, conferences, as well as learning from our Journal of Infection Prevention and the member weekly e.digest; the one-stop-shop for the latest news and reviews.

IPS membership options

Individual Member

Individuals employed in health or social care with a demonstrable interest in the field of infection prevention and control. £80.00 per annum or £20.00 per quarter (Direct Debit only)

Associate Member

Any individual who is not eligible for full membership. £80.00 per annum or £20.00 per quarter (Direct Debit only)

Retired Member

Those who are not eligible for full or associate membership as they have retired from employment. £23.00 pa

Pre-registration Student

Students training to become Registered Practitioners. £23.00 pa

Institutional Member

Accredited academic institutions, registered societies/charities, state healthcare provider or independent commercial organisation. Price dependant on number of members - see attached application form. Any queries please email

Corporate member

Commercial organisations concerned with or having an interest in infection control and prevention. Find out more about corporate membership. Find out more about corporate membership 

Special Access Membership (SAM)

IPS offers a free Special Access Membership (SAM) for overseas members living and working in countries with limited resources (see SAM online application form for qualifying countries). All applications are vetted, and require supporting documents (digital copy/photo of your driving license or passport, digital copy/photo of proof of address in a resource limited country, and an official letter from your employer (must be in English to allow for verification).

Please click here to view the SAM Terms of Reference


Find out more about corporate membership